Landrover 109 Metal Top 1980

Beautiful original Dutch Landrover 109 Metal top series III of 1980. This Landrover is really in beautiful condition. The car was restored a number of years ago and has not been driven much afterwards. The car is then still immaculate. The chassis, bottom and sheet metal is rock hard and very clean, almost rare for a Landy! The car has been completely repainted in matte green. The chassis, chassis and axles are in perfect condition. The 2.25 gasoline engine is perfectly maintained and thus in very good condition. A new carburetor has just been fitted and it has just had new maintenance. The gearbox works perfectly, in high and low gearing and on 2 and 4 wheel drive. It has a fresh MOT, another 2 years of carefree driving. The Land Rover stands on 16 inch painted wheels with new tires. The interior is original, very clean and as you would expect from a Land Rover, very spartan! All meters and electricity work perfectly. The car is originally a company car, very attractive and economical for an entrepreneur so. As it should, the Landrover has a tow bar, it is and remains a workhorse!

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